CIAのインスタグラム(cia) - 10月24日 10時21分

(3/3) “It’s in the blood. Every part of my family has been in restaurants. Except for my parents. They discouraged me from getting into the business because it’s excruciating, trying to raise a family. Prior to this, I was working at a ski resort, 14-15 hours a day, 7 days a week, and it burned me out. I was so discouraged with the industry. Working here saved my relationship with my father. He didn’t talk to me after I graduated, he was so adamant about me not getting into this field. The day he found out I got my clearance, it was like a sigh of relief. Working here, I can spend time with my sons. But if an event interrupts the schedule, my family is supportive. They know that what we do up here is important. It’s for a good cause, and I’m honored to do it.”


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