ギャランス・ドレのインスタグラム(garancedore) - 10月30日 00時01分

Me, napping.
Like, I’ll nap anywhere. I remember when I was a student and paid my studies being a supervisor in a high school using my lunch break to go nap in one of the classrooms, arms crossed on a table. One day my students found me, and they let me sleep. And then made fun of me for the rest of the year, because I am Corsican, and Corsicans have a reputation for being napers, ah!
Or at the university, finding an empty room and closing my eyes. Then opening them to realize the amphitheater (that’s how we call the big class rooms in France) had filled up and I was in the middle of a German literature class. .

I remember being at fashion week and taking a 10 min nap in a car between shows. .

Or at the studio in New York, closing my eyes for 20 minutes in a the middle of a busy day.
Or on a shoot, going to the stylists closet and making myself a tiny spot where to disappear for a little time. .

I am starting to understand why. Well first because napping is awesome, we all know that, centenarians know that, kids know that, my dog knows that. It has this way of dropping the build up of stress and tension that tends to pile up during the day. Even closing my eyes five minutes works wonders for me, even if I don’t fully fall asleep I get in a sort of meditative state, letting my mind wander and flow, my muscles relax and drop out of the busyness - though twenty is better.
But also, as many of us, I am an actual introvert who learned how to be social. When I am with people I am fully engaged and hyper aware and present. It takes a lot of out me. Naps have this way of recharging my batteries and my sense of self. .

A lot of you have asked me about some of my “life tools” (what do I know, but okay!) - this is probably one of the most simple intrinsic consistent one I’ve ever had. You should try!
Photo: @lehuanoelle


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