下條ユリのインスタグラム(yurishimojo) - 11月9日 23時59分

#ウーウェン 先生のサロンにて
I paint because there is a sense that cannot be explained by words and that does not need to be explained. So all my titles could be “Untitled”. However, just for my practical reason, I usually put some simple title, keeping my mind that I would not to disturb the viewer's imagination.

The inside surrounded by thin layers of lines is not a blank white space. You are reflected in it. I thought I would title “Mirror”, but I chose to “Untitled”.

About a year ago, “Untitled” was acquired by the chef Mrs.Wu Wen.
The other day, I was deeply touched by the photo I was received.

My "Untitled" was no longer untitled. It became an egg. A big egg at her beautiful culinary school in Tokyo with gorgeous natural
light. It is so profound to see the painting evolves to find own presence with its environment.




#下條ユリ #YuriShimojo


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



