キャサリン・ハイグルのインスタグラム(katherineheigl) - 1月2日 03時18分

Happy New Year Friends! 2020 is looking bright and bold and beautiful with this guy by side!
It was a busy, joyful, abundantly good year for the Kelley family. I did four different projects and bounced around from Toronto to Florida to L.A to Vancouver. @joshbkelley released a gorgeous new song and announced a new tour. The kids grew and grew and grew. Our furry family grew and grew and grew. Our hearts and souls grew and grew and grew. It was a very good year but I’m ready to dive right into the next one!I have this shimmering tingling excitement for 2020. This bubbling intuition that the work our family has done both physically and emotionally and spiritually has primed us for an extraordinary year. We’ve expanded, we’ve opened, we’ve released and the quiet joy and peace and love that burns steady and strong within me is my testament that acknowledging the power of energy both good and bad has fostered a healthy control over my own mind. I fall into gratitude with far more ease these days. I feel more love than fear. I can steady my anxiety and honor my needs with more courage and confidence than ever before. I can embrace the chaos and the quiet with a deeper understanding that nothing lasts forever. I have spent the last decade slipping into a more profound understanding of myself and what truly deeply matters to me. I have chipped away at old beliefs, perspectives, hurts, fears and resentments that were holding me back from easy joy and gratitude. I have curated my tool kit and know where and when to turn when the worst of me rears it’s ugly head. I feel better. I am better. I will continue to better. I am so deeply grateful for the paths that have brought me right here to this extraordinary family, this extraordinary man, this extraordinary work, this extraordinary life. I can’t wait to see where the path continues to lead me this next year, this next decade! I’m ready!
I want to jump up and shout aloud in gratitude at having been allowed to live in this world, sharing with all its creatures the blessed gift of life.
Malcom Muggeridge


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