Ashley Jamesのインスタグラム(ashleylouisejames) - 1月9日 05時06分

"If you want to look good in front of thousands, you have to outwork thousands in front of nobody." Damian Lillard 🎂
Someone shared that quote with me recently and it rang very true to me and what's going on right now. I feel like I've been a little quiet on the grid over the past week, purely because I've been doing a lot of life and work admin and it's not glamorous or exciting. I've been trying to improve some habits to improve my mind and productivity, and with that found it good to switch off a little from the online world to FOCUS. 💡🤸‍♀️🎈
I always find January such a funny time, because you go into a new year feeling super motivated with big (huge)?plans, but work (my industry at least) is still very sleepy. I usually go away for most of January, but this year I decided I want to really graft, do all the things I've been putting off, and also build the foundations for all my plans and dreams for this year. 🤓
I've been forcing myself to switch up my routine: waking up earlier, going to either yoga or kobox, taking Snoop out, and then WORKING. I've deleted all the dumb games on my phone that were eating into my time. I've been making more time for the friends who make me happy (I'm a workaholic so I have to force myself to find balance and switch off), and I've been reading instead of internet scrolling. I'm feeling good and more motivated than I have been for a while. 🏆
It's not been easy. Breaking habits and implementing changes always takes so much effort, and a lot of the hard work to achieve your goals is boring or difficult. You don't see the hard work and long hours on Instagram, just the results! I'm enjoying the 'down-time' to get the ball rolling on something exciting, which I can't wait to share and I know will help lots of you. ❤️
Anyway, I think this is a bit waffly, but I thought I'd share in case anyone relates or is wanting to implement some changes... just to say, stick at it. 💥
Also, shout out to my very talented friend @stephelswood for creating this @shopsasstainable bamboo cutlery set... I've been thoroughly enjoying not using plastic cutlery when I'm out and about. Makes this salted caramel cake taste even more delicious. ♻️🍰🤤


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