長洲未来のインスタグラム(mirainagasu) - 1月25日 06時03分

Dear National Competitors,
Never in a million years did I think that skating would overtake my life the way that it has. Even though I’m sad that I’m not competing on the ice with everyone this week, I’m content to be on the other side of boards. Still, I want to share some insight. Whether you’re feeling nervous, anxious, or excited to get out there, show us all what you’ve worked so hard for! As cliche as it sounds, remember to breathe and be in the moment. Sometimes, it felt like the world was fighting against me, and those moments were lonely and scary, but know that all of us past competitors are rooting for you and want nothing but the best for you!
Most of the time, I’d have to remind myself of why I was putting myself through the stress of feeling like the fate of the next season boiled down to these two performances, but then I’d remember the pure joy I felt when I was skating, with no obligations. Please please please, let go of all the what if’s and share your talents with the rest of us. ♥️



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