アンナ・ニコル・スミスのインスタグラム(annavictoria) - 3月22日 03時23分

Luca and I began self-quarantining almost 2 weeks ago. With seeing everything happening in Italy weeks prior to it getting serious in the US, we took every warning seriously from day 1.
We also had our team start working remote about 3 weeks ago, so it’s been a good amount of time already that we’ve been cooped up in our house. 😅 And it’s definitely started to get to us a bit... so there are a few things we’re doing to try to stay sane during this crazy time:
1️⃣ Exercise. I’m sure you’re not surprised to hear me say this but your body needs it now more than ever, for your mental and emotional well-being.
2️⃣ Do something productive. Personally, my team has been even busier than ever this last week so Luca + I are still working 12 hr days, but my nephew who lives with us isn’t, and we’re encouraging him to read at least 1 hr a day (and Luca is quizzing him on the book, it’s about financial planning so Luca is loving it, our nephew, not so much 😅🙈) BUT it’s so important to be mentally stimulated during this time, too.
3️⃣ Tidy up for at least 15 mins a day. Putting away laundry or going through paperwork gives some sense of normalcy and order, or at the least helps you feel productive through the day.
4️⃣ Go for a walk! (IF allowed in your country and with keeping space from people ❤️) Whether you’re exercising or not, getting outside in the fresh air is SO IMPORTANT. Even a quick 5 min walk can do so much for your mind.
5️⃣ Last but not least and perhaps my favorite, find a fun activity that isn’t technology related. The amount of zombie scrolling on social media happening these days is I’m sure off the charts. Or bingeing Netflix. Which isn’t all bad! But to a point... Find something to entertain yourself that doesn’t require technology, like we’ve been playing Monopoly each night and we’re kinda obsessed 😂 (Avengers Monopoly to be exact). It’s just so nice to do something to take your mind off all the craziness for at least a few hours.
I hope these ideas help and if you’ve found things that are helping you, please share below so others can read and get ideas too!! ❤️ We will get through this together! #fbggirls #fbgcommunity #stayathome #flattenthecurve


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Megan Rainのインスタグラム
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