ブライアン・メイのインスタグラム(brianmayforreal) - 4月3日 05時29分

GET UP is getting serious !!! Anita is unstoppable ! We are STILL looking for your videos of YOU !! - just DO IT, FILM IT, and send it by WeTransfer to those naughty girls - details are at @kingsdaughterss —- GET UP right now !! 💥💥💥💥 Just a word to all of you good folks who have been searching for the download - APOLOGIES - IT’S NOT UP YET !!!! Dammit !!!! The distribution company - TUNECORE - are very apologetic - they were worried that I might not really be on the track !!! So it got stuck in their system. But all is sorted now, so I understand it will be available on Spotify and iTunes, etc, in a couple of days. We will keep you informed ! Thanks for your impatience !! Bri


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



