ブライアン・メイのインスタグラム(brianmayforreal) - 4月9日 11時05分

This is also a new invitation to #jamwithbri !!! I’ve been so amazed by the Jams you guys have put together on my previous MicroConcertinas I thought this might be the ultimate opportunity. It seems to me we should dedicate this one to all the front-line soldiers fighting for Humanity against the insurgent coronavirus. Just like our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents who fought for us in two world wars, those brave warriors in the front line are our new CHAMPIONS. That means the doctors, nurses, cleaners, porters, drivers, tea-ladies and gentlemen, and all who are quietly risking their lives daily to save the lives of our kin. CHAMPIONS ALL !!! Let’s do it ! Let me see your hands !!! And hear your voices !!! 💥💥💥💥 There’s something else about this post that’s different from any of my previous micro-organisms. I wonder who will spot it. Must be a portent ... 💥💥💥💥ah ! @gibsongas - you did spot it already !!! 💥💥💥💥 Ah !! You ALL got it in one !! Ha ha - I shouldn’t underestimate you guys ! Well, I was excited to have the Red Lady in my hands again (suitably quarantined) - so an a-capella Champions seemed a good way to celebrate ! Thanks ! Bri


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