森山標子(しなこ)/Schinakoのインスタグラム(schinako) - 4月12日 17時12分

The story of bunny art(6)
I wanted to paint the art of the shogi. I downloaded the shogi app to my smartphone and played. I was into that. I have no time to paint. I deleted the app, but I came up with nothing. I knew "the day of the shogi" after it passed for a while. I thought that I must paint it.
This girl intends to play shogi and is waiting for a family. The family is doing something housework in the garden or the entrance. Or it may be the friend of the neighborhood. I think if a rabbit is in the house, they come and look absolutely in this way. I imagined slightly Japan in the old days. I have never lived in such an excellent house.
将棋の絵を描いてみたいなと思ってまず、スマホに将棋アプリをダウンロードし、せっせとプレイしました。まんまとハマりました。絵を描く時間がありません。アプリを消しましたが何も閃きませんでした。しばらく経ってから、twitterで #将棋の日 を知って、今日描かなくては!と描き始めました。

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Instagram Japanのインスタグラム
Instagram Japanさんがフォロー

