クリスティ・ルーカジアックのインスタグラム(christilukasiak) - 5月20日 07時00分

The unexpected moments are always the sweetest 💗⁠

When I wrote yesterday's post, I just wanted to share some funny stories and give you a peek into our weird lives. What I never expected was the overwelming outpouring of love and kindness from you. I hate when people say stuff like "my heart is so full" or "#grateful", but I am legitimately humbled and so, so full of love. So, thank you for making my cold, black heart happy. 🖤⁠

That's it. No giant paragraphs of words of wisdom or lists of self-help tips. Just a simple thank you for sticking with me over the years and being kind on social media. Revolutionary. 🤣😘


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