トミー・コールドウェルのインスタグラム(tommycaldwell) - 5月27日 05時12分

I’m starting a weekly post here called Route-Finding that will dig into topics that are top of mind.
Time to reflect has always been a valuable resource for me. Long drives through the night, being pinned down due to bad weather on expeditions, injuries. This is where I gain clarity, find focus, and ultimately discover the source of my motivations. All of my biggest ideas have been somewhat motivated by a healthy dose of adversity. Generally, this process of ruminating is a private one. But this time, since we are all experiencing adversity together, I have decided to share my introspection. My hope is that revealing my process will help others to discover theirs. I’m going to share one post a week in the form of a live conversation, slideshow, or a discussion of a piece that has moved me. Occasionally, it might just be to muse on whatever is occupying my mind at that time. I hope you’ll consider following along. #routefinding


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