ルーシー・メックレンバーグのインスタグラム(lucymeck1) - 5月28日 19時27分

Us at 4am*
I adore my son, every time I look at him I can’t believe I made this perfect baby boy and when he smiles & laughs my heart bursts with love ❤️ BUT I’ve really struggled now for 3 months maybe heightened by lockdown 😔
breast feeding I love & hate, it is wonderful for bonding but bloody relentless! Sleepless nights aren’t getting any easier there is a reason sleep deprivation is a form of torture ... *please online magazines/ papers don’t print I compare being a mum to Roman as form of torture or some other extreme click bait headline as this is one of the reasons I’m not more open & honest about motherhood on social media & if you have noticed I’ve been a lot quieter lately. I don’t want to post what looks like ‘picture perfect parenting’ but also don’t want to deal with dramatic headlines & online trolls for telling the truth!
Here’s the truth.. Nights are long & lonely, there are days I don’t want to do this anymore & just want a break but I have no choice as I breast feed him every 3 hours so I feel trapped & like my only purpose is a milk machine, I’m constantly told to nap when he naps but when then do I eat, shower, pump, reply to texts & emails, do the washing, just have a HOT cup of tea in the garden & feel like a normal human Being for 10mins!! I’m so grateful to have a happy, healthy baby boy and wouldn’t change it for the world but motherhood is tough the tiredness, tears & mum guilt I don’t think I was fully prepared for and I wish more people showed the happy times and the tough times.

To all fellow mummas you are beyond amazing superhuman machines. This is for sure the hardest but most rewarding job that exists ❤️


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