下條ユリのインスタグラム(yurishimojo) - 6月5日 23時58分

My friend Sparrow is having an exhibition at his mommy’s gallery. I purchased “A Duck” piece. He said he never seen a real duck so he drew with his imagination. I thought the duck was wearing a mask but he corrected me that’s a big orange beak, not a mask. The duck has an another bird on his head. I said That’s a sparrow ! He didn’t correct me for that. I pointed out he has a cool arrow. SpARROW has an arrow. He smiled.

It is our collective responsibility to learn and commit to the change for beautiful children like Sparrow.
His art show is still on ! Hurry !


こんな天使たちが社会から差別を受けずに成長していけるため、不当に命を奪われずに生きていけるため、わたしたちの連帯責任が #BlackLivesMatter だと思っています。


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



