レイ・アレンのインスタグラム(trayfour) - 6月12日 04時44分

The last time I cut my hair it was the second week of March. Since then, 7.5 million people around the world have contracted covid-19 and 420,000 people have died. In the U.S. alone over 2 million have contracted the coronavirus and a bit under 116,000 have died. The virus is still deadly and due to some questionable choices in leadership the virus is still taking lives. So, as we all have been in doors trying to #flattenthecurve George Floyd, a black man in Minnesota was murdered by 4 police officers in broad daylight for all to see. So, if some of you are like me I was very angry, sad and disappointed. I had all these thoughts in my head; would I catch the Rona or would someone call the police on me for something so small that could lead to me getting shot by a police officer? I would like to tell you that all this stress caused me to pull my hair out but nope I'm just one of the unlucky men that goes bald later in life. So this is my last picture and I am gonna take the clippers to my dome and end my #georgejeffersonchallenge As I am cutting my hair I will be getting rid of all of the angst that I have felt over the last three months. It doesn't mean that our problems are over with, it means that I will no longer let them control my emotions negatively. Every event that we experience we all have a choice of how it will affect us. We can commit to the problem by talking about it incessantly, staying angry and pointing fingers or we can commit to the solution and not give up until there is real change, and real change does not happen over a week or a month of protest's. November is coming everyone and we need to keep this same energy, we need to remember how we felt when @NFL players were called sonsofbitches, when African countries were called shit hole countries and when countless black men and women were killed and every one of the perpetrators got off. We need a change in a bad way people, Not only as a country but locally as well. The change we need to see in America is about each one of you speaking truth to power. Commit to finding a solution to our problems and stop telling us that we don't have a problem. #blacklivesmatter #wecan #change #haircut


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