Paul Smithのインスタグラム(paulsmith) - 7月4日 18時58分

I'm afraid this is the last of my more detailed Instagram posts about the many different things I keep in my office. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed showing you all around and thank you for all of your comments and questions. From tomorrow I'll be going back to normal service, posting things that I take photos of in my everyday life.

This post shows a small selection of some of the wonderful and quirky things I have been sent by some of my friends and fans from around the world. Including the useless box which with the flick of a switch lifts its own lid but then switches itself closed again, a battery-operated hand that drums its fingers as though bored (I often use this in a meeting!), a little cyclist who pedals as you turn the handle, an unbelievable book that you can read even though bits of the pages have been cut-out and a wood-carved bike pump and Paul Smith for Leica camera made by a fan in Japan.

Lastly there’s a miniature chair, trainset, spectacles and suitcase that I've photographed with a pound coin and my hand so you can see the scale.

A big thank you to everyone who has sent me any of these brilliantly bonkers things.



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