キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 7月21日 02時58分

There have been so many times in my life I felt blocked, restricted, even like a failure. I used to think what I needed to do was push hard to try and make lemonade out of lemons (which as a side note I really do enjoy). But lately, I have a different feeling. Instead of push-hustle-force I’m going for something different. It feels more like sit-wait-see. There’s a huge part of my old patterning that comes up and says I’m only worth something if I’m working hard. And anyone who knows me will tell you that I work hard, that I cannot not work hard. So it’s not like I’m saying I’m doing nothing, it’s that I’m saying the space I’m in now is less about doing and more about being.
For so many years I wondered if I was actually a good person, if I had value to offer the world. I doubted we everything about myself. Maybe It’s taken all these years to come home to myself with a feeling or rather a recognition that I’m ok, that I’m good, that I’m valuable. And it’s that space that I’m being in right now.
Happy Monday 😊
And happy moon day (it’s the new moon today) 🌝
Day 20 #journeytohandstandchallenge is #tittibhasana Check the collage for modifications. Practice every day of the challenge with me on @omstarsofficial
Join Omstars today to get instant access to my 30 Day Journey to Handstand Course? Sign up with our summer sale and enter the code JOURNEYTOHANDSTAND. A portion of all proceeds will be dontated to a COVID-19 relief fund in support Black and Indigenous Womxn. We’ve already raised more the $3000! Let’s get stronger together.
#miami #yoga #yogi #handstand
Challenge sponsors @vayumudra @shophalfmoon
Bikini is Caladesi by @liquidoactive
Photo @ifilmyoga
🤸‍♀️ 🤸🏼‍♂️ 💕


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