トーマス・サドスキーのインスタグラム(thomas_sadoski) - 7月22日 05時19分

The fact that we as a union even have to negotiate the bare minimum of protections for vulnerable artists and their bodies is an insight into the vileness and rot within the culture that the AMPTP inexplicably seeks to protect. This deal isn’t enough. Not even close.

In 2020, with so many venues and technologies available for use in exploitation and harassment, and so many people in and outside of our industry willing to avail themselves of it (just ask @cagoldberglaw), it shouldn’t be a question that our union unwaveringly hold the line to protect us. They failed. And no amount of streaming residuals makes that a trade worth your consideration. Progress costs, and sometimes costs A LOT. Protecting artists from exploitation, harassment and intimidation when it comes to their bodies is a cost we should always be willing to pay. #VoteNo


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