タミン・サーソクのインスタグラム(tamminsursok) - 8月9日 05時06分

I’ve been thinking a lot about shoes lately and how they hold the feet that take the steps that change our lives. One step at a time. And all those steps, from the first one to the last one, all those steps in-between make up our lives. Make up our legacy. As I observe my children’s feet, that keep growing, I think of all the experiences that will occur as they move through their life, from their first giddy kiss to their first painful heartbreak, their shoes will tell tales that I may never know.

Our family has always being devoted fan of sneaker brand company @greats (pictured in these images). They are Brooklyn’s first sneaker brand, founded in 2014 by Ryan Babenzien. Their motto has always been " the greatest people consider the collective" They are beautifully designed and dependable. They feel like a memory. Go to my stories to see more designs and swipe up for your favorites!! #sneakers #sneakerbrand #greatspartner


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Sarah Kohanのインスタグラム
Sarah Kohanさんがフォロー
