吉野紗香のインスタグラム(sayakayoshino_official) - 8月18日 13時44分

My grandpa went to World War II as a soldier.
When I was a kid, I loved to hear about the war from my grandfather, and when I heard it, I imagined the scene.
One day he was caring for a stable and the horse kicked his chin, leaving a scar on his chin.
I remember laughing at Grandpa, I saying, "You went to war and your horse kicked your jaw?!"
He always told it as a laughing story, and for me it wasn't a scary story of war, but I loved knowing its history as a grand story of Grandpa's youth.
But when I learned about war at school, I started to realize that it was very scary and asked if Grandpa had a scary war experience or if there were any serious problems.
The story of the stable continued that day, but when the horse kicked grandpa’s his jaw, he left the stable and as soon as he left the stable, a bomb appeared from the sky. It came down and the stables blew up. The fellow soldiers caring with the horses that remained in the stable seemed like a momentary event without fleeing.
One day he went into a shootout and a friend was seriously injured. He cut off his friend's injured leg, put him in a barrel and carried him to the medic. But his friend died.
Even I, an elementary school student, thought it was a miracle that my grandfather survived the battlefield.
Thanks to that, he married my grandmother, my mother was born, and my mother met my father. And I was born. I am grateful for Grandpa's fate.
And I also met my husband. My husband is American and I am Japanese. Our love has made international marriage a reality.
75 years since the end of the war ,With this irreplaceable gratitude, I would like to tell my children about the story of the war that Grandpa survived. It can be said that peace is now due to many lives.
#worldwar2 #since75 #peace #fate #weareone


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