テス・ホリデーのインスタグラム(tessholliday) - 8月31日 08時38分

I had a pretty traumatic thing happen yesterday & I’m still processing it & navigating the childhood trauma it brought up (I will be okay). As I was sitting with these feelings, I had a realization: Even though what I’m dealing with is heavy, it’s nothing compared to what it’s like to be Black (& Brown) in America right now. Imagine navigating your own personal stuff & then add in covid & all the other things this year has brought, & then having to mourn your hero’s, brothers & sisters & family members publicly, & having their lives diminished & criticized. We (white folks) need to hold space for the Black folks in our life right now, we need to give them space to grieve, we need to stop invalidating their lived experiences & just work on ourselves so that we can collectively make America as truly safe, & fair space for ALL. We just all need more compassion & empathy towards others right now man, please.


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