トリー・ウィルソンのインスタグラム(torriewilson) - 9月3日 10時28分

Fitness is not just something I do to wear a swimsuit & feel confident.
I’ll admit it was the sole reason I STARTED working out & picking up weights oh so many years ago..and that first encounter changed the direction of my life.
I went from desperately wanting to weigh 100lbs & starving myself (I weighed 110lbs at 5’9” and weigh 145lbs today)- to being in awe of how much more confident I actually felt as I gradually got stronger and saw what I was capable of. That’s the part that I LOVE so much about helping others see their own badass power. It transforms so much more inside of us than what we see on the outside.
Today, my mental health depends on my daily sessions more than anything else. In less than an hour I have the power to completely change my mindset by releasing those endorphins.
Do I always jump out of bed eager to go workout? Nah. But my mental, physical & even spiritual health are affected in some way when I skip. It’s all connected & more than ever I believe it all needs to be in BALANCE.
Motivation doesn’t magically land in your lap. It takes discipline & even being creative to figure out how you can fit it into your own life. But I promise that no excuse in the book can ever come close to feeling the POWER you have to feel good. ❤️


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