アナリン・マッコードのインスタグラム(theannalynnemccord) - 9月9日 11時58分

Okay, so I got to interview one of the coolest humans ever!! @lmlodinow
Theoretical Physicist, Best-Selling Author, Screenwriter and Ph.D., Leonard Mlodinow. He has won numerous awards for his writing. He co-authored two books with renowned physicist Stephen Hawking ( A Briefer History of Time, and The Grand Design) . He’s also taught at Caltech, written for the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and Forbes magazine, among other publications, and for television series such as McGyver and Star Trek: the Next Generation.

So he’s CLEARLY an under-achiever! 😉 He wrote a book I love called #ElasticThinking and TODAY his newest book is out about his special time and close friendship with #StephenHawking

“Stephen Hawking: A Memoir of Friendship and Physics” get your copy today, and let me know when you give it a read, please 🙏🏼❤️


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