Keith Ladzinskiのインスタグラム(ladzinski) - 9月16日 07時09分

“Be skeptical of laws unless they’re enforced and backed by big penalties. Large corporations and the the super rich ignore laws when the penalties for violating them are small, relative to the gains for breaking them. Fines are then simply a very manageable cost of doing business.” - I recently read this in Robert Reich’s book “The System” it rang true to so much of what I’ve witnessed over the years in climate change and pollution coverage I’ve done for @ナショナルジオグラフィック over the years. While on my Great Lakes assignment last year I was in Portage, Indiana when a friend informed me that only days prior to my arrival a big Steel Manufacturer had spilt a large quantity of Cyanide into Lake Michigan. Folks at a nearby Mariana began seeing thousands of dead fish floating on the surface of the water and reported it to the EPA, who’s tests conclusively identified the chemical. Some 5 days later The company reported the spill after investigative reports began digging around. They were issued a mere $30,000 fine. This was one of countless offenses over the years in the area, easily googled for those interested, and an easy example of how the system is broken and where it’s cheaper to pay fines than to actually operate at a higher level. Cancer rates are substantially higher in areas like Portage, Gary Indiana, and southern Chicago where people swim in these waters. Accountability is nearly non-existent and truthfully never will be if laws remain the way they are. Big corps will simply continue to do anything they can to cut corners for higher profits, lobby in laws to insulate behind, inflate campaign contributions for leverage and operate at highest profit levels rather then moral ones. Not sure how valuable all of that money will be once the water is all poisoned and climate change makes the planet virtually uninhabitable to humans, but that’s clearly the road we’re on. Please vote this year, but Vote from the local, the state and the federal level, otherwise it won’t mean nearly as much. The clock is ticking everyone.


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