CIAのインスタグラム(cia) - 9月18日 03時52分

(2/4) When I brought my kids to Headquarters, we were walking to the cafeteria to grab a drink, when we passed the Director's Portrait Gallery. Without missing a beat, and without even mentioning the portraits, my 11 year old son said "hey mom, there's only men up there." My first thought was one of pride, that I'm raising a son to recognize these things. But I think it's incredibly important to have representation from women and people of color so that when people come to an organization they say look, this is a place that is welcoming, accepting, and diverse. I think that, in an intelligence agency, you need diversity more so than most organizations. I took pride in telling my son that CIA currently has its first woman Director.
#ConstitutionDay #HumansofCIA


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