Jessica Weaverのインスタグラム(jessicakes33) - 10月16日 00時22分

TIPS on health- (I’m getting back to my strict keto vegan diet this month so I’ll be slowly shredding up) tips below!

1.) if you are not taking supplements.... start! It’s almost impossible to get all the nutrients you need in the food you eat daily, especially the way our world eats these days!
2.) Try to focus on eating Whole Foods... basically this means anything that comes from the earth! That doesn’t have added ingredients... things “man” did not create. So no more processed or packaged crap!
3.) drink your water! Put down the juices, sodas and alcohols... drink water as often as you can. When you are dehydrated your body thinks you are hungry so you feel hungry more often... chug some water before you eat to make sure this isn’t why 👌🏻
4.) my favorite healthy foods are walnuts, celery, mixed greens and blueberries
5.) go to a holistic doctor and request a blood test for foods- this will tell you what your body personally prefers and doesn’t want in your diet. We all are different! Inflammation can cause a lot of issues if you don’t know what is causing it.

List your health tips below if you have any good ones! Let’s share ideas and get healthier together 🤗

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