MAN DAYNARDのインスタグラム(noblegent) - 10月18日 06時42分

Part 2... I built an action to outcome list on items i wanted to change:
- Waking up hung over is the worst feeling, so if i book a boxing session every morning bright and early, i will have another reason NOT to drink. So, for the next 60 days i will wake up early and train/box
- At the time i was living in nyc, and felt like i was always rushing, so i decided to slow my pace down in the am by giving myself more time to clean before i left. So, for the next 60 days i will make sure my bed, bathroom, and kitchen are clean before i left the house (NO dishes in the sink).
- At the time my head extremely noisy, so i needed to find a way to make it less noisy. So, for the next 60 days i will meditate (went to a TM coach to introduce me to meditation)
- I found that i was watching too much tv, particularly before bed, so i decided to keep all electronics out of my room (having my phone in my kitchen set to go off early in the am) and read before bed. Every day for 60 days, I will read before bed and keep all electronics away from me
This isn’t rocket science, its about having an honest conversation with yourself and understanding what areas of your life you want to improve on, and bad habits you want to say goodbye to.

The key is to not overwhelm yourself. Start with a small list of items. I have found that introducing more than 10 is extremely hard, and your success rate will drop as you add more items. Based on my experience approx 60% to 70% of the habits I’m looking to introduce each challenge actually stick and become part of my everyday life. When i feel them dropping off, i recalibrate.

So ask yourself, “What do i want to change today”....find an overarching result your looking to achieve, and a plan to help you achieve said goal. By doing so you will introduce support habits and the main habit! My goal was to stop drinking and regenerate my liver...the support habits i implemented as a result included; waking up early, daily mediation, etc. It was all symbiotic and I truly could not have achieved my main goal without introducing the additional habits.

never been better.

- DM

📸 @jeiteerei


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