ジェシカ・シーバのインスタグラム(mommasgonecity) - 10月23日 01時30分

Hi! I’m Jessica. I’m a writer and mother, a wife and a daughter. I have built my social media platforms by sharing my life and my parenting and some people decided to follow. My views haven’t changed since I started this platform 8 years ago, neither have my intentions.

My only intention here is sharing our authentic selves and right now, it feels more important than ever.

I’m so grateful for the brands that honor my voice and hire me to partner with them to share a vision, and those of you that support that content along with the regular life stuff.

I’m not an elected official, I’m not required to represent certain views. I’m not under any obligation to sterilize my content for your enjoyment- the moment I do that is the moment I lose. If you don’t agree with me, that’s fine! But don’t expect me to change my content because you don’t appreciate it. All I have to lose here is my integrity and my livelihood. And guess what? Those are mutually exclusive and I’ve been pretty clear which one I prioritize... so, to the people and brands that support and prioritize integrity: On behalf of myself and “influencers” doing the same, thank you. ❤️


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




