マーモットのインスタグラム(marmot) - 10月24日 07時17分

Send it now. Play later.

"I had plenty of opportunities to be complacent about my ballot this time around. I'm still a resident of Colorado, but living out of a trailer bopping around the western USA, doesn't mean I'm always near my "home state" - in fact, I was 6 hours away.

So what did we do? We drove 6 hours!

But wait, there's more!

I got to my PO Box, which had all my voter packets and information... EXCEPT FOR MY BALLOT! It was mailed on the 9th and I checked my box on the 20th! Thankfully I was able to run over to the local polling office in Avon and grab a replacement ballot.

Case and point, go the distance, and exercise your right to vote! 📬

Also, I took NO chances with USPS, and dropped that sucker off in the local dropbox.

Did anybody else have to drive state lines to get to their ballots?" 👇

Marmot Club Ambassador @holly.mandarich

Head to vote.org to find out all information about voting in your state!

#SendItNowPlayLater #marmotclubambassador #vote


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