Eileen Kellyのインスタグラム(killerandasweetthang) - 12月25日 16時01分

leaving is not enough; you must⁠
stay gone. train your heart⁠
like a dog. change the locks⁠
even on the house he’s never⁠
visited. you lucky, lucky girl.⁠
you have an apartment⁠
just your size. a bathtub⁠
full of tea. a heart the size⁠
of Arizona, but not nearly⁠
so arid. don’t wish away⁠
your cracked past, your⁠
crooked toes, your problems⁠
are papier mache puppets⁠
you made or bought because the vendor⁠
at the market was so compelling you just⁠
had to have them. you had to have him.⁠
and you did. and now you pull down⁠
the bridge between your houses.⁠
you make him call before⁠
he visits. you take a lover⁠
for granted, you take⁠
a lover who looks at you⁠
like maybe you are magic. make⁠
the first bottle you consume⁠
in this place a relic. place it⁠
on whatever altar you fashion⁠
with a knife and five cranberries.⁠
don’t lose too much weight.⁠
stupid girls are always trying⁠
to disappear as revenge. and you⁠
are not stupid. you loved a man⁠
with more hands than a parade⁠
of beggars, and here you stand. heart⁠
like a four-poster bed. heart like a canvas.⁠
heart leaking something so strong⁠
they can smell it in the street.⁠

[poem by Marty McConnell}


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