ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 1月14日 02時34分

Photo by Cristina Mittermeier @Cristina Mittermeier / In the quiet blue of the Azores, I watched a blue whale, one of the last remaining true titans of planet earth and the largest animal in the world, flow to the surface and then dive again with a gentle lift of its tail. Their numbers were once almost entirely decimated as the whaling industry peaked. But public outcry over the killing of whales helped stem the merciless slaughter of these ancient leviathans, and today the species is returning to its reign over the open ocean. Each time I see one on a dive, I am caught between elation and an overwhelming sense of humility at its mountainous size. They are symbolic of both the power of nature and advocacy, reminding us all that our unified voices can make a difference. Follow me @Cristina Mittermeier to learn more about the incredible story of our ocean and how we can all work to protect the future of animals like this. #whale #bluewhale


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