レイア・ゴールドクールのインスタグラム(leilss4reals) - 1月25日 13時41分

Happy birthday baby bug. I can’t believe this sweet little girl was born a year ago today 🥺 I also can’t believe that she came out of my body and into this world in the same room that she sleeps in every night!! Oh little Mills, you’re a tiny one, you whine A LOT, you attack my plants, you’ve got the cutest dance moves, you’re very cute, your laugh is one of my very favorite sounds, you’re mastering getting around on 2 feet, you scream out with joy every time you see another baby, you’re not much for staying still, you still don’t sleep through the night, you’re obsessed with your brother and on top of all these things you are SO LOVED 🥰


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



