ハガーマガーのインスタグラム(huggermuggeryoga) - 2月6日 05時48分

It is true that the physical and physiological benefits of yoga—flexibility, increased muscle tone, weight loss, stress relief, and of course, the much-touted “yoga butt”—can be experienced through asana (movement) practice. But however pleasant these benefits might be, they are secondary at best, and are meant to serve the deeper benefits of yoga practice. According to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the primary benefits of yoga practice are far more extraordinary and life-changing the physical and physiological benefits.

Sutra 2.48, as translated by Alistair Shearer, states that once the practice of asana (movement) is mastered, we are “no longer upset by the play of opposites.” So, how can a physical practice help us to develop the mental/emotional stability that allows us to remain balanced no matter what difficulties we might face?

What asana does best is relax the nervous system. The slow, gentle movements of asana practice, combined with relaxed, deep breathing, help us shift from the sympathetic (fight or flight) side of our autonomic nervous system to the parasympathetic (rest and digest) side. When our physical bodies are at ease, our minds have a harmonious place to dwell.
Asana means rest. Moving slowly and mindfully in asana practice allows us to become aware of the subtle sensations—physical, energetic, emotional and mental—usually obscured by our frantic lives. As we gain access to the pleasures of subtle sensation, we can unhook ourselves from the need for ever-more extreme stimulation. Asana offers us a way to walk through the chaos of our inner and outer worlds with grace. We learn to be present with whatever comes our way with acceptance and curiosity—neither clinging nor resisting.

This doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the physical benefits of yoga such as flexibility and balanced muscle tone. Please do enjoy them and all the other nice sensations you feel during and after your practice. But keep in mind the inspiring possibilities that lie beyond the simple physical benefits of practice. Remember that mastery depends less on what you do than what you are willing to stop doing. Let your practice bring grace to each moment of your life.


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