ホテル ニューオータニのインスタグラム(hotelnewotanitokyo) - 2月25日 21時17分

ホテルニューオータニの日本庭園で実施されている夜間のライトアップは、東京タワーやレインボーブリッジ、歌舞伎座なども手掛けた、日本を代表する照明デザイナー 石井 幹子氏が監修。

In the evening, the trees are illuminated into a mesmerizing ambience through the illumination scheme supervised by world-renowned lighting designer Motoko Ishii, most known for her works on various landmarks in Tokyo such as the Tokyo Tower and the Rainbow Bridge.

The scheme is designed to beautifully enhance the landscapes, projecting reflections on to the waters as if dancing to the night, changing colors and expressions seasonally to enthrall visitors. #forbestravelguide #futuretravelguide #thepreferredlife #ontripadvisor


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