下條ユリのインスタグラム(yurishimojo) - 4月14日 15時21分

From @praise.shadows.art
By now, you've seen and heard about Petal Mori, the light and sound installation by Yuri Shimojo, Maria Takeuchi, and Alec Fellman. We're delighted to share that each of the Petri dishes on view in the installation is available for collectors at the close of the show. Consider it your own little Memento. Yuri will be hand-signing each work, and all are available for local pickup or for delivery to wherever you or your loved one may be.⁠

Each Petri Dish encloses an individual ($50), a pair ($75), or a family of three Sakura petals ($108) made from torn washi paper. Each is then tied closed with fine silk thread.⁠ Like a tribute to life, to celebrating the present moment.⁠

Visit the shop @praise.shadows.art to collect one of your own.⁠

#yurishimojo_mementomori #PetalMori #sakura #petals

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