コンラッド・アンカーのインスタグラム(conrad_anker) - 9月4日 13時21分

#fossilgram 1989. Labor Day 2012. My life work labor has been in the mountains. While on the exterior it is this ideal life that people think is all peaches and cream it has a dark and sinister side. Yeah, we might have fun, challenging ourselves for some sort of altruistic fable, yet the dark side of climbing is death. Yeah we will all die, yet when the young die in pursuit if a frivolous pursuit one asks questions. ST Shaw was a SLC local and in '89 we climbed the NW Buttress of Mt Hunter in the Alaska Range. We were young (26) and after the first day a storm rolled in. Like total rookies we ate all of our candy bars thinking we would bail the following morning. Luck would have it the morning dawned clear. Bailing in clear weather is _______ . (If you alpine climb please fill in the blank) We topped out on the 4th of July. It was a cool climb. Yeah instie is supposed to be "right now", yet my friends Alex, Mugs and Seth are with me and have created the now. RIP Seth. Seth asking the question of why.


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