パメラ・ライフのインスタグラム(pamela_rf) - 2月9日 04時16分

upside down 🤍 random blabbers for tonight, but when I was tanning this afternoon I thought about how sad it is that I scroll & scroll on social media, consume (and enjoy) content but barely give feedback to the person, who put a lot of effort in creating it. And that’s probably because we get so used to a certain standard that is seen daaaaaily & which is then not even worth a like or comment anymore because it’s „normal“? How do you feel about that? Are you silently or actively consuming?

So note to myself was: give more feedback when I‘m consuming content, the person deserves it ☺️ just a little „well done, I enjoy seeing this“ 🥸🥸

📷 @linatesch 🤍🤍🤍

#blabbernews #goodnight

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