杏のインスタグラム(annewatanabe_official) - 2月9日 16時11分


In a cold winter, I sometimes feel stiffness in my body and my breath becomes shallow.
So I start trying to take deep breaths and stretch as much as possible.

I always have to bend forward when I take care of my dogs and children, so it becomes a burden to my body.

But I also realize that the dogs and children are also looking up at us all the time, and their necks must be tired.

By the way, I finally started to draw illustration posts digitally!

My skills are still poor, but I know if I don't keep drawing, I won't get better.
I would like to keep practicing drawing analog pictures as always.

Please look forward to more of my illust-grams!
Also, I’m considering uploading some photos of myself, what do you think?

#杏 #イラストグラム
#anne #illustration


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




