ショーン・パトリック・フラナリーのインスタグラム(spflanery) - 3月2日 06時31分

Common logic would tell you that the bigger the fish, the more mouths can be fed. But, I was listening to what Lao Tzu & Mathew 4:19 told me about the fish and the fisherman. You know, in Texas there are hardly any fish bigger than those offered to the best of the best at football. Hell, even junior-high & high-school championships are played in completely sold out $100 million dollar stadiums. So, if the fish is the sought after prize… well, football dangles the biggest fish by far as a lure to all the Lone Star kids, as an NFL contract will require multiple freezers to keep the catch fresh. But, if the power ever goes out & the fish spoils… then that once tiny kid starves. And, that alone is why we’re driving our two boys home from the Texas A&M campus in the city of Bryan… where the annual Texas State Wrestling Championships were held… all in a stadium with only a tiny spackling of spectators largely comprised of parents & close family members cheering their kids on to become champions in something that doesn’t so much as offer a minnow at the end of even an OLYMPIC level career. Football indeed wins a big fish. Sometimes even a whale… but when it’s gone, it’s gone. And yes, there is no fish at the end of a wrestling career, but… there IS a fisherman. It’s not what you get for putting in all the hard work… it’s what all the hard work makes you become… and wrestling becomes a fisherman… capable of replenishing that catch in every single pond on the planet… whenever & wherever. And now… we’ve got two 1st place Texas State Champion fisherman right there in the back seat. Gold medals in both their respective divisions. No freezers necessary. You see… winning IS everything… and those that disagree simply don’t know what the game is. #txusawrestling #TheyCameFromMyBalls #AndTheChicksCookup


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