i-Dのインスタグラム(i_d) - 4月26日 20時53分

China’s history with its LGBTQ+ population is long, winding, and incredibly complex.⁠

For thousands of years, same-sex relationships in the Chinese Empire were tolerated and even celebrated, before eventually being made illegal under Mao Zedong, and classed as a mental disorder until 2001. While homosexuality has been decriminalised since 1997, gay marriage remains prohibited, and conservative attitudes persist.⁠

Today, many queer people in China feel compelled to hide their sexualities and LGBTQ+ identities from their families, as well as their relationships. Among a generation born under China’s One Child Policy, the pressure from parents to continue the family line by having children is often heightened.⁠

Despite the challenges that queer Chinese youth face, it doesn’t stop them from forming friendships, communities, and, most importantly, loving each other. @sarahmeiherman’s pictures are a celebration of that love and its resilience, often featuring couples embracing tightly in bed or staring deep into each one another’s eyes.⁠

In her new book 'Solace', the photographer captures quotidian moments often hidden from public view. See more at the link in bio.⁠
Text Issac Muk⁠
#Photography #China #LGBTQ


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