マーティン・ケリーのインスタグラム(martinkelly_34) - 6月1日 21時43分
Single leg exercises are the mainstay of rehabilitation and performance at R4P
Our bodies are experts in finding a way around our weaknesses, if we don’t isolate the single leg during exercise then the one next door will be more than happy to take the extra load and complete the task.
Following ACL it is vital to isolate muscles and limbs before incorporating them back into athletic tasks.
Measure the weakness, train it, and continue athletic development alongside this to complete the rehab to performance pathway.
Don’t let those weaknesses hide themselves away behind the stronger muscles and opposite limb before it’s too late.
A Bulgarian or Rear foot elevated split squat is a horribly effective exercise, I can’t think of a single person who enjoys them or a single person who wouldn’t benefit from doing them.
It’s a love hate relationship 😉
#aclrehab #aclrecovery #aclexercise #footballinjury #kneeexercises
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