マーティン・ケリーのインスタグラム(martinkelly_34) - 6月28日 04時45分
Where the art meets the science - rehabilitation.
The transition to pitch based running is a landmark moment after complex knee injury including ACL reconstruction.
The risk to a smooth progression is that the exercise list continues to grow and our desire to progressively overload in the gym alongside the new running stimulus (which will quickly transition into football specific pitch movements) results in overload of the joint and other structures.
A skilled practitioner recognises and adjusts the gym load to maximise the impact and performance on the pitch.
Marrying together clinical assessment with rehabilitation principles and strength, fitness and conditioning progressions gives the optimal experience for the athlete.
That’s where an experienced sports physio is uniquely placed to deliver across all elements, turning up the dials where the art meets the science.😎
Rehab.done.right = REHAB 4 PERFORMANCE
#aclreconstruction #kneerehab
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