Paulien COUCKUYTのインスタグラム(pauliencouckuyt) - 6月19日 20時10分
Road to.. running ! 🏃🏼♀️
How I missed this running feeling ! After several months of not being able to run, every step towards running on the track felt like a big success experience ! Grateful that my knee is doing okay and that I can do what I love to do ! 🙌🏼💗
#kruisbandoperatie #kruisbandrevalidatie #acl #aclrehab #kneerehab #roadtorunning #stepbystep #athlete #running #runningfeelsgood #bounceback #roadtobeback #roadto
Thanks to the physios of @lab.antwerp (@thijshertsens , @annelien_dm ), @maarten_thysen and my coach @rudi.diels !
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