Paulien COUCKUYTのインスタグラム(pauliencouckuyt) - 8月1日 01時55分
💭 Rehab thoughts: [ FEAR ]
》The moment I tore my ACL, I was overwhelmed with fear. My first thoughts were 'I can't handle this, this rehab is too much for me', and 'I'll never be back'.
But I tried to stay positive and took it step by step, day by day.
》Fear became hope.
》Now, 9 months post surgery and 5 weeks into normal training, I'm preparing to get BACK TO COMPETITIONS! A very scary moment, because I'm far from ready to perform. The fear of not being good enough pops up. But then I remind myself that I've come a long way.. I'm grateful to be able to stand at the start line! Every start is difficult ánd is so brave.
I'll promise myself to be proud of myself. I am so proud of my team, so thankful they helped me through this tough and challenging year.
And still, fear will pop up for the future. It's still a long journey.
》 F.e.a.r. becomes
Face.Everything.And.Run. 🏃🏼♀️💫
#athlete #aclrehab #theroadtobeback #backtocompetition #fear #faceeverythingandrise #teamwork
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