VICEのインスタグラム(vice) - 7月21日 01時02分

There’s been a rise in people trying to break world records—most recently there was that man who cried for seven days straight who temporarily went blind trying to set a world record. There was also that masseuse who collapsed trying to spend the longest time massaging with no breaks. ⁠

The world record craze is happening all over TikTok but mostly in Nigeria, ever since a rainstorm kept people inside in Lagos, leading Hilda Baci to cook her way into the records. "Nigerians are funny people and we tend to ride on the wave of whatever is happening at the moment. In less than three months the craze would die down," said Farominiyi Kemi, the woman who’s been trying to set the record for frying up the most puff-puffs. ⁠

SO, in this spirit, we’ve gone through the archives and rounded up some of the most cursed attempts at setting a world record.


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