ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 8月29日 01時00分

Photos by @beverlyjoubert | Elephants and the way they navigate the world remain one of my greatest sources of inspiration.

Photographing this giant in such close proximity on the Zambezi River, it was impossible not to have your breath taken away by the sheer magnitude of its presence. There is a sense of humility and utmost respect in working with elephants, but also something magical and meditative in trying to convey their spirit and wisdom. I am mindful that wildlife photographers play a dual role: we are storytellers and advocates. This art form is remarkable in its power to transport us to the farthest corners of our planet and, through the lens, allow viewers to glimpse the lives of animals that many will never encounter in the wild. If we can evoke emotion, respect, and a sense of kinship, we have a unique opportunity to instill a sense of responsibility and stewardship. For the future of elephants, this is critical. When I was born, there were around 1.5 million elephants in the wild. Today, fewer than half a million remain. My role is to try to reveal the living, breathing creatures behind these numbers—to show what we stand to lose. The choices we make today will determine whether these magnificent beings continue to roam the Earth. To see more of my work, follow me @beverlyjoubert.


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