ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 8月30日 04時00分

Photo by @franslanting | Emperor penguins are in serious trouble. Unlike penguins that gather on solid ground to raise their young, emperors are totally dependent on sea ice. Their chicks are born in late winter when the ice is thick, and they are ready to go to sea in late summer. But now Antarctica’s sea ice is melting more rapidly. Last year, many thousands of young emperor chicks died because the ice literally melted from under their feet, and they drowned before they were ready to swim.

I spent a month camping on sea ice next to an emperor colony and marveled at the penguins' ability to deal with extreme cold. But they are not adapted to the other extreme: warmth. As our planet heats up, we are as vulnerable as emperors, but only we have the power to influence their future—and our own.

Follow me @franslanting for more stories from the front lines of a changing planet.


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