ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 9月27日 08時30分

Video by @michaelgeorge | The cliffs of Alkefjellet are located in the Svalbard archipelago, north of the Arctic Circle. As you begin to approach, the cacophony of bird sounds echoes like a chorus off the towering rocks. The birds fill the sky like insects and surround you on all sides in the water. It’s not always like this; they nest here only for a short while each year. During that time, nearly 60,000 breeding pairs of Brünnich’s guillemots take over every nook and cranny. When gathered in large groups, they’re easily confused for penguins until, of course, they take off into the sky. The cliffs provide an almost impenetrable fortress for their nests, except for the unlucky few that can be accessed by the Arctic fox. I recorded this July 2023 while aboard the National Geographic Endurance with @natgeoexpeditions. For more adventures in the Arctic, follow along @michaelgeorge.


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