ニオミ・スマートさんのインスタグラム写真 - (ニオミ・スマートInstagram)「Slow and going with the flow. Learning to let go and ease the control I once thought was necessary. Old London me felt she needed full control of every aspect of her life and have everything figured out! It feels good to lower the shoulders and unclench the jaw, and relieve that pressure. To be able to breath again.   Forcing our lives into a reality we think we want/need/desire can create an uncomfortable pressure and overwhelm. Maybe for good reason too. If it’s feeling fictitious maybe it’s not meant to be?  And clinging on too tightly could lead to a less desirable outcome.  It may not make sense right now, but what if the outcome could be so much more than you ever imagined?  It’s ok to relax in the feeling of ease and peace over the habit of feeling force and constantly swimming upstream.   The likelihood is if it’s bringing you peace, you’re on the right track.   If you’re looking for an answer to what direction to go in, try this exercise I love doing. Close your eyes and place your hands over your heart. Tune in, and ask yourself, “which option would create more peace and love for myself?”  These are just little thoughts I have as I ponder life and love. 🦋」10月16日 23時06分 - niomismart

ニオミ・スマートのインスタグラム(niomismart) - 10月16日 23時06分

Slow and going with the flow. Learning to let go and ease the control I once thought was necessary. Old London me felt she needed full control of every aspect of her life and have everything figured out! It feels good to lower the shoulders and unclench the jaw, and relieve that pressure. To be able to breath again.

Forcing our lives into a reality we think we want/need/desire can create an uncomfortable pressure and overwhelm. Maybe for good reason too. If it’s feeling fictitious maybe it’s not meant to be?

And clinging on too tightly could lead to a less desirable outcome.

It may not make sense right now, but what if the outcome could be so much more than you ever imagined?

It’s ok to relax in the feeling of ease and peace over the habit of feeling force and constantly swimming upstream.

The likelihood is if it’s bringing you peace, you’re on the right track.

If you’re looking for an answer to what direction to go in, try this exercise I love doing. Close your eyes and place your hands over your heart. Tune in, and ask yourself, “which option would create more peace and love for myself?”

These are just little thoughts I have as I ponder life and love. 🦋

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