マリウス葉さんのインスタグラム写真 - (マリウス葉Instagram)「It’s been almost 10 months since I graduated as an idol in Japan, and not a day goes by without reminiscing about my days in Tokyo. Sometimes, I get homesick, craving Ramen, Sushi, Soba Noodles, and especially my friends. But life in Madrid, especially as a student, is something I wouldn't want to have missed in a million years. The culture, the music, the people, and, most importantly, the Spanish sun that always brings out the joy in you, are some of the things I have come to appreciate and have honestly become attached to.  What I love about this city is the quality of life. People study and work, and they have their initiatives and projects, but they do it so wholeheartedly, making sure that they are enjoying life. And once you find your community, which I believe everyone will eventually be able to do in Madrid, even on a bit of a low day, your people will support you and somehow find a way to enjoy life in Madrid while exploring the city. Madrid is big, but not too big that it makes you feel lonely, and I love that quality about this city.  Only a bit to go until I graduate from IE University, studying PPLE (Politics, Philosophy, Law & Economics), but I can imagine myself staying a bit more longer here. Who knows what the road ahead might have in store for me?   日本でアイドルを卒業してから10ヶ月が経ちましたが、東京での日々を思い出さない日はありません。時々恋しく思います。ラーメン、寿司、そば、特に友達が恋しいです。しかし、マドリードでの学生生活も、とても貴重な経験で、自分の人生の中で欠けてはいけない一部となっています。文化、音楽、人々、そして何よりも、常に内なる喜びを呼び覚ましてくれるスペインの太陽などに、とても愛着を持つようになりました。  この街の素敵なところは、活力に溢れていて、クオリティ・オブ・ライフに対する意識が高いことだと思います。多くの人が勉強、仕事、自分のイニシアティブやプロジェクト、それらを日々の生活の中で心から楽しんでいることを強く肌に感じます。  マドリードでは、自分に適したコミュニティーや自分の居場所を見つけることができたら、たとえ低迷している時期でも、人々がお互いをサポートし、浮上していく道を見出せることができる力をこの街から強く感じます。  マドリッドは大きな都市にも関わらず、寂しさを感じさせない魅力があります。  IE大学でPPLE(政治学、哲学、法学、経済学)を学び、卒業まであとわずかとなりましたが、マドリードでの生活をまだ少し続けたい気持ちもあります。まだ先の決まっていない未来に不安を感じることもありますが、今はマドリードの活力に刺激を受けながら一歩一歩を楽しみながら前に進んでいきます。」10月22日 1時35分 - marius_seiryu

マリウス葉のインスタグラム(marius_seiryu) - 10月22日 01時35分

It’s been almost 10 months since I graduated as an idol in Japan, and not a day goes by without reminiscing about my days in Tokyo. Sometimes, I get homesick, craving Ramen, Sushi, Soba Noodles, and especially my friends. But life in Madrid, especially as a student, is something I wouldn't want to have missed in a million years. The culture, the music, the people, and, most importantly, the Spanish sun that always brings out the joy in you, are some of the things I have come to appreciate and have honestly become attached to.

What I love about this city is the quality of life. People study and work, and they have their initiatives and projects, but they do it so wholeheartedly, making sure that they are enjoying life. And once you find your community, which I believe everyone will eventually be able to do in Madrid, even on a bit of a low day, your people will support you and somehow find a way to enjoy life in Madrid while exploring the city. Madrid is big, but not too big that it makes you feel lonely, and I love that quality about this city.

Only a bit to go until I graduate from IE University, studying PPLE (Politics, Philosophy, Law & Economics), but I can imagine myself staying a bit more longer here. Who knows what the road ahead might have in store for me?







>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



